
Upcoming Events and Activities at Crockham Hill Village Hall

🎨Adult Art Class

Mondays in term time

🧘‍♀️Autumn Equinox Qigong & Restorative Yoga

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🔪CHIPS Murder Mystery

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CH Drop In Coffee

Third Wednesday of the month

🎄Christmas Market

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🍷 Crockham Hill Wine Club

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🃏 CRUK Charity Bridge Afternoon

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💃 Dance practice

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Quiz night – Charity

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🔤 Scrabble

Second Wednesday of the month

🥋 Taekwondo

Thursdays and Sundays

🎓 U3A

Last Wednesday of the month

🃏 U3A Bridge


🏆Village Produce Show

Contact us for more details

👩‍🦳WI – Woman’s Institute

First Wednesday of the month

🧶WI – Craft Group Meeting

Third Tuesday of the month

💰WI – Fundraising evening

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🧘Yoga Afternoon

Contact us for more details

Crockham Hill Women’s Institute

We are a very friendly, supportive and lively group and we warmly welcome members of all ages. Our focus is on learning, friendship, campaigning and indoor and outdoor activities. We enjoy interesting talks, arts and crafts, pub lunches, country walks and garden and city visits.

Our regular monthly meetings are held at 2.30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month in Crockham Hill Village Hall. On occasions we also run evening events, open to the local community, which have included wine tasting, jewellery and wreath making.

If you would like to know more or to come as a guest to a meeting, please contact June Davies on 01732 866350 or Susan Cash on 01732 866218.

Bridge at Crockham Hill (BACH)

Crockham Hill Bridge Club was founded in the then new village hall in 1997 as an informal club not affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU). Members of the club play duplicate bridge in a relaxed environment on Monday evenings (excluding Bank Holidays) from 7-10pm. The cost is £5 per head including light refreshments. There is no annual subscription or joining fee. Visitors are always welcome and anyone wanting to try us out can play free of charge for the first two sessions. All relevant details can be found on our website ( including contact details for booking in. Don’t worry if you don’t have a partner; we will do our best to find one for you. The club is run by volunteers who take it in turns to organise the evening. Our motto is ‘Be Amiable, Courteous and Harmonious’ (BACH) and we would be delighted to welcome you, whatever your standard.

Edenbridge u3a

Edenbridge u3a members enjoying their monthly meeting. To find out about the activity groups and more visit